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So, last year I recorded the audiobook of John Pivovarnick’s novel, Tales from the Back of a Bus. Aside from being a great read, it was a lot of fun to do, but recording it presented technical challenges, like how the hell do I record a whole audiobook?? Here’s how I answered that question. Booking…
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I’ve started a Mason Carver Instagram account, so you don’t have to wait for me to get around to posting pictures here. Give it a follow, won’t you: Mason on Instagram. There’s only one picture up there as of this moment, but give me a chance, okay? Geesh.
I don’t like headshots. I don’t like posing for them. I don’t like sorting through a billion them to find which the one or two to use. [That’s simpler now that I don’t have to decide on one or two to have mass produced, at least. Thanks, digital world!] I don’t enjoy most things about…
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It was a great weekend. New York City, good friends, good food, gender blind King Lear on Broadway. Come home to a callback for a commercial I auditioned for last week. Get back from the callback [which went well] on Monday, and what should be waiting for me, but… So, yeah. Great weekend. This movie…
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Funny now anyway. Not so much Tuesday on the turnpike, miles from the Hickory Run rest stop. All of a sudden, one of those suspicious farts. Alarming, you might say. A red…um…brown flag, if you will. Uh-oh. State Police out in force, lots of speed traps and cars pulled over to the side of the…
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Now that the movie has opened, I don’t feel bad posting these photos I took on location last spring. Well, “spring.” It was a cold day, outside in North Philly. Luckily, it was supposed to be the Ukraine, with Drago and his son doing roadwork through the battered streets. There was ice on the ground…
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Folks get very cranky about background actors taking photos on set, particularly with hush-hush projects–but pretty much any in this day of spoiler alerts galore. Can’t say I blame them. At the same time, there’s very little else to do when you’re on location, separated from your stuff. Actors bullshit and take pictures. Now that…
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Thinking about giving the site a makeover. [I can’t change my hair, obviously.] Thoughts?