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Category: Rando Randomness

Scared Myself!

Imagine you’re flipping through Amazon Prime, looking for something to watch, when all of a sudden, an almost 30 years younger you jumps out and says Boo! I nearly pooped my pants. So it goes.

RIP The Iron Sheik

I felt honored, both when I got to play a chubby, furry version of him in a Daily Show sketch back in the day, but doubly so when he followed me on Twitter just to call me a jabroni. #goodtimes #restinpower #camelclutch

At what point do I have to get new headshots?

I’ve been hard on my knees. Years of theater, musical theater, and a couple of jobs that involved heavy lifting, and I’ve beaten the crap out of them. Bone on bone arthritis. Ouch. Having had quite enough of that, thank you very much, I started seeing a specialist for the routine of cortisone shots, physical therapy, gel…
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Sanitized for your protection

I had an audition the other day at Heery-Loftus Casting in Philadelphia. When I got there, out of habit I went to the table where the sign-in sheet usually lives. It wasn’t there. Instead, there was a sign that said [and I’m summarizing here]: Out of an abundance of caution, we’re doing away with the…
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Transient weirdness possible

I am relocating my web site and domain names to a new hosting service. It should have no discernible impact on visitors to this or any of my sites, but just in case—apologies in advance and things should be back to normal [whatever that is] as quickly as possible. Thanks for your patience. Mason

Not for the weak

I caught a commercial the other day. One that sounded familiar. Oh, yeah! I auditioned for that! And, oh, look! There’s the other guy that was at the callback. Huh. I guess he got it. Good for him. I can see why they cast him. His take on it was a little less comedic than…
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The shape of things to come

Not to be mysterious, but…

Now i am on the tweeters

Follow me, share me, let me know you care!

Instagram Ahoy!

I’ve started a Mason Carver Instagram account, so you don’t have to wait for me to get around to posting pictures here. Give it a follow, won’t you: Mason on Instagram. There’s only one picture up there as of this moment, but give me a chance, okay? Geesh.