I have to self-record an audition for a commercial voice-over. Trying to cut down on some of the ambient room noise–radiator hiss, computer hum, etc. “Sciencing the shit out of it,” as Matt Damon says in The Martian. The Yeti microphone just barely fits in the foam-lined box, so I think I may have to get…
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If you haven’t seen it, you should check out Paper Heart. It’s adorable [some call it “twee” but potato/potahto]. Charlyne Yi is a sweetheart, as is Jake Johnson. Plus I have a special place in my heart for producer, Elise Salomon, and Casting Director Eileen Kennedy. You should watch it, if only for the song…
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There has been some web site weirdness, owing to moving servers and going from Windows to Linux blah blah blah. Zzzzz. If you find a page or post isn’t working, please shoot me a line so I can fix it, please and thank you. Infinitely exploding watermelon
One of my agents asked for a handful of printed headshot/résumés for upcoming submissions. Groovy. But it took me most of the morning to remember how to produce an analog [that’s paper, kids] headshot and résumé—something I used to be able to do with my eyes closed, back in the day. These days, I’m *so* used…
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Coming soon to Vimeo on Demand! Babes, Bug-eyed Monsters, Ray Guns, and ME! Outpost Earth from Atom Age Cinema on Vimeo.
Here for an audition for Bluebloods. Even if I don’t get the part, these are people I’d like to make a good impression with. As you can see, they cast some big shows.
Literally. Me, after every audition.
Had the chance to work on a short film this past Sunday–with Michael Madsen, who is a very cool guy. The movie is a sci-fi story set in a dystopian future. I play Madsen’s boss who’s trying to clue him in the to dire nature of current developments. We shot in a factory in Newark,…
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So, you can go weeks without any sort of action as an actor, then all of a sudden blammo! Today, in short order, I had to get wardrobe notes for Sunday’s shoot, learn lines for the same shoot, plus self-tape two auditions for feature films that shoot in November–all in the few free hours after…
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