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It never rains, but it pours…

It never rains, but it pours…

So, you can go weeks without any sort of action as an actor, then all of a sudden blammo!

Today, in short order, I had to get wardrobe notes for Sunday’s shoot, learn lines for the same shoot, plus self-tape two auditions for feature films that shoot in November–all in the few free hours after work.

I’m NOT complaining. I’m musing whinily.  I just wonder why things in my life always seem to bunch up like proverbial knickers, rather than pace themselves nicely. The same sort of stuff is happening at the day job, too, and I can’t figure out if it’s the lunar cycle, the change of seasons, or what.

I think if I could figure it out, I could win a Nobel Prize of my own. Take that Bob Dylan.


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