Philadelphia | NYC | S Carolina

Author: Mason

Scam Alert!

So, I get this email: Voice over artist/actor needed for a two days commercial game host show advert project.If interest reply back as soon as you can for more details.I got your contact from Nowcasting. Odd, since I don’t have “Voice Over Artist” on my NowCasting profile [honestly, I forgot about NowCasting, since they almost…
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A Man and His Dog…

I was reminded of this picture of me and my dog Kirby on National Puppy Day. Do I need a reason to share it? If you ever need a dude walking a dog, or a dog walking a dude. Hit me up.

Nekkid and Afraid…

Not me. You. My friend Eileen, which sounds like the name of a 1940s rom-com, is casting the new season of Naked and Afraid for the Discovery Channel. She’s totally legit, did the casting for Paper Heart among other movies and TV shows. If you think you have the survial skills, you should hit her…
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Teaser Trailer for Killian

Here’s the teaser trailer for the short film Killian I worked on last fall, opposite Michael Madsen. They’ve started a fundraiser to get financing for post-production, particularly VFX and festival submissions. Click through here, if you can help out.

New Baby Frankenstein one-sheet poster! Woot!

The new Baby Frankenstein one-sheet poster has been released. It’s kind of awesome. I like the subtle Monster Squad nod, with Andre Gower and Dracula in addition to Baby Frankenstein himself.

Voice Over audition preparation…

I have to self-record an audition for a commercial voice-over. Trying to cut down on some of the ambient room noise–radiator hiss, computer hum, etc. “Sciencing the shit out of it,” as Matt Damon says in The Martian. The Yeti microphone just barely fits in the foam-lined box, so I think I may have to get…
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Paper Heart is on Starz and Starz On Demand

If you haven’t seen it, you should check out Paper Heart. It’s adorable [some call it “twee” but potato/potahto]. Charlyne Yi is a sweetheart, as is Jake Johnson. Plus I have a special place in my heart for producer, Elise Salomon, and Casting Director Eileen Kennedy. You should watch it, if only for the song…
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Weirder than usual…

There has been some web site weirdness, owing to moving servers and going from Windows to Linux blah blah blah. Zzzzz. If you find a page or post isn’t working, please shoot me a line so I can fix it, please and thank you. Infinitely exploding watermelon  

OMG I Forgot How to Head Shot…

One of my agents asked for a handful of printed headshot/résumés for upcoming submissions. Groovy. But it took me most of the morning to remember how to produce an analog [that’s paper, kids] headshot and résumé—something I used to be able to do with my eyes closed, back in the day. These days, I’m *so*  used…
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