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Me, after every audition

Literally. Me, after every audition.

Baby Frankenstein teaser poster

The Baby Frankenstein teaser posters have arrived. Coming soon to a film festival near you!

Aging like a fine whine

Really, this is a test to see how posting stuff from my phone works. But, while I’m at at it, here’s a Throwback Thursday Then and Now. Cheers.

Throwback Thursday!

#TBT to the first family vacation I could find a photo from.

Don’t Think Twice [2016] Trailer

So, I worked on this last summer as one of the “High Hairline Guys,” the stand-ups and improv guys who’ve been around the block a few times and never caught fire. I look forward to seeing it. Watch out for my mad pool-shooting mime skillz.

Baby Frankenstein Teaser Trailer

Learn more or stay up to date on their web site.

Work in progress…

  Editing an audition clip for a television movie. Wheeeeee!

Baby Frankenstein Wrap Party

Baby Frankenstein cast and crew whoop it up at the wrap party, Friday March 26, 2016 at Chako’s in Wilkes-Barre, PA. Much bowling, fun, and pizza!

Updated Résumé: woo-hoo!

I’ve been down with that nasty sinus/chest cold thing that’s been going around, but finally back to it. Slowly but surely, I’m getting my web site, if not my life, back in order. The new résumé  is live. It’s a-liiiive…. Check it out!