Philadelphia | NYC | S Carolina

Author: Mason


I have to do some loop work for Outpost Earth this weekend. Got the clips and new lines to dub in an email last night. Very exciting. I can’t wait to see the finished product. Now, if only I can get the animals to cooperate and hush up, I should have it done this weekend.

Work in progress…

  Editing an audition clip for a television movie. Wheeeeee!


I was thinking the other day about past favorite roles, and I kept thinking–Man, I wish I could tackle that again, knowing what I know now. I was 22 when I played Prospero in The Tempest, what did I know of loss and betrayal? So, here’s a list of roles I’d like to do over,  as…
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Throwback Thursday! Hamlet!

Hamlet cast takes a break during rehearsals at the Linn McDonald School of Dance. Photo by Dave Sartor.

Baby Frankenstein Wrap Party

Baby Frankenstein cast and crew whoop it up at the wrap party, Friday March 26, 2016 at Chako’s in Wilkes-Barre, PA. Much bowling, fun, and pizza!

Live on IMDB and IMDB Pro, too!

It’s taken some doing, but it’s finally live. I’m on IMDB! Now if I could just figure out how to jigger my listings from before I took Mason Carver as my professional name. One step at a time.

Holy crap, Batman!

I was cleaning out boxes of junk and I came across some old headshots. Holy crap! Here are some headshots through the ages. Left is recent. Top right is 1980-ish. Lower right is 1994-ish.

Downloadable résumé now online!

I know you’re as excited as I am! You can download a PDF copy using the Downloadable Résumé button on the résumé tab, or just click here. For someone who’s not awfully fond of looking at himself, I’m sure plastering the interwebz with a lot of pictures of my mug. Geesh.

Photo Galleries Updated!

New galleries added–including On-set and behind the scenes shots; badass headshots by Jason Riedmiller and a clip gallery.