
I was thinking the other day about past favorite roles, and I kept thinking–Man, I wish I could tackle that again, knowing what I know now. I was 22 when I played Prospero in The Tempest, what did I know of loss and betrayal?
So, here’s a list of roles I’d like to do over, as a supposed “adult” with all that life experience under my belt.
- Prospero, just because.
- Claudius, in Hamlet, because I’ve only done staged readings and I think a full production would let me finesse him a little more.
- Matt, in Talley’s Folly, because I think I had the wrong end of the stick on the “A Lit, a Lat, and a Let” speech.
- Vladimir, in Waiting for Godot, because that’s a play you can always find new areas to mine.
There’s also a bunch of roles I’ve always wanted to play, and I’d better get on them before I get too old to play them.