The quality control pipeline, that it. The audiobook version of Tales from the Back of a Bus will be available on iTunes, Audible, and Amazon as soon as quality control is complete. Keep your ears open and your glimmers peeled.
I’m about halfway through recording the narration of John Pivovarnick’s Tales from the Back of a Bus audiobook. Another few days and I should have all that sorted, mastered, and uploaded. You’ll be able to buy a copy on Amazon, Audible, or iTunes. In the meantime, you can get an advance listen to the “retail…
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Just got the new, [official!] poster for Killian. It’s out of post-production and the producers have started submitting it to festivals, etc. Very excited for Charlie Alberto and the folks at Tao Company. Looking forward to the wrap party and private screening later this summer. In other news, Baby Frankenstein was nomitated as one of…
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The magical September/October boundary is just around the corner, and that can mean only one thing: Scranton Fringe Festival, 2017 edition. This year, I’m taking my third swipe at the Scranton Slammy at the Big Gay Story Slam, September 30 from 10 – 11:30 PM at the Scranton Cultural Center [in Shopland Hall] at 420 N…
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Here’s the teaser trailer for the short film Killian I worked on last fall, opposite Michael Madsen. They’ve started a fundraiser to get financing for post-production, particularly VFX and festival submissions. Click through here, if you can help out.
If you haven’t seen it, you should check out Paper Heart. It’s adorable [some call it “twee” but potato/potahto]. Charlyne Yi is a sweetheart, as is Jake Johnson. Plus I have a special place in my heart for producer, Elise Salomon, and Casting Director Eileen Kennedy. You should watch it, if only for the song…
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Coming soon to Vimeo on Demand! Babes, Bug-eyed Monsters, Ray Guns, and ME! Outpost Earth from Atom Age Cinema on Vimeo.
Had the chance to work on a short film this past Sunday–with Michael Madsen, who is a very cool guy. The movie is a sci-fi story set in a dystopian future. I play Madsen’s boss who’s trying to clue him in the to dire nature of current developments. We shot in a factory in Newark,…
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This weekend at the Scranton Fringe Festival. Get tickets now from the Scranton Fringe Festival, and we’ll see you this weekend! Also the Big Gay Story Slam and butt loads of other fantastic events. Scope them all out on the Scranton Fringe Festival web site.