I’ve been down with that nasty sinus/chest cold thing that’s been going around, but finally back to it. Slowly but surely, I’m getting my web site, if not my life, back in order. The new résumé is live. It’s a-liiiive…. Check it out!
You can use the Contact form to reach me, now. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can! If you need me in a hurry, check Representation tab for my direct contact number.
Jason Riedmiller is a great photographer. He’s taken some rando shots of me at various events, so I finally hit him up to take some legit headshots for me. Can’t wait to see the final product! The Electric City Tattoo Convention, April, 2015. Bonfire at the Iron Furnaces, October 17, 2015 (I was reading Tarot…
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There are still kinks to work out, but it’s here (obviously). Just need to add some more stuff and get the contact page working. I’d be happier if I had a solid block of time with which to fart around with all of it, so it would just be done, but so it goes.