I don’t like headshots. I don’t like posing for them. I don’t like sorting through a billion them to find which the one or two to use. [That’s simpler now that I don’t have to decide on one or two to have mass produced, at least. Thanks, digital world!] I don’t enjoy most things about…
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I was cleaning out boxes of junk and I came across some old headshots. Holy crap! Here are some headshots through the ages. Left is recent. Top right is 1980-ish. Lower right is 1994-ish.
Jason Riedmiller is a great photographer. He’s taken some rando shots of me at various events, so I finally hit him up to take some legit headshots for me. Can’t wait to see the final product! The Electric City Tattoo Convention, April, 2015. Bonfire at the Iron Furnaces, October 17, 2015 (I was reading Tarot…
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